Car radiators keep your engine from overheating. Each radiator is designed to keep the engine at an optimal temperature as per the vehicle manufacturer's standards. They do this by circulating coolant through the engine and back again. Radiators serve an essential role in the maintenance of engines. An overheated engine often results in severe damage that may lead to expensive, time-consuming repairs.
By pumping coolant around the engine, they draw off excess heat, maintaining an optimal temperature regardless of the weather conditions.
How Do Radiators Work?
Radiators work by passing a special fluid called coolant through thin metal fins. These fins let heat flow outside the engine block. When coolant gets pumped through the engine, it takes the heat away to the radiator, blowing air over the liquid. The heat gets exchanged with the air outside the car.
A thermostat regulates this process. If the coolant goes lower than the specified temperature, it restricts the flow of the coolant. As the engine heats up, the thermostat opens up coolant flow through radiator hoses.
In simple terms, the radiator cools the coolant, which cools the engine. It's a constant cycle that takes place whenever the engine is running.
Engine Overheating Issues
Engines overheat when their radiators don't operate as they should. If a radiator is low on coolant, it won't have enough to circulate the engine. Leaking radiators have the same effect. They release too much coolant, keeping levels in the radiator too low to do their job correctly. Hoses are the most common areas where radiators spring leaks, but sometimes the radiator may develop cracks or holes in its surface.
Sometimes the thermostat on a radiator malfunction. It doesn't give accurate readings of high or low temperatures, so it doesn't regulate the coolant flow in the engine. Faulty radiator caps cannot contain pressure, causing coolant to overflow, which leads to the engine overheating.
Radiator Repairs And Maintenance
Without radiators, engines easily overheat, which leads to expensive and lengthy repairs. Preventive maintenance and regular inspections keep them in good shape. If you need radiator repairs, we invite you to bring your vehicle to Nixon Automotive today!