Posted on 3/24/2022

Can you imagine driving without any knowledge of your speed? Scary thought, right? The speedometer is a device located on your dashboard that displays how fast your car moves. Today, most speedometers are electronic and are a standard part of every vehicle. The Most Common Problem with Speedometers Seldom will your speedometer stop working out of the blue. While speedometer problems aren't as common, they're not impossible. Inaccurate speed is a prevalent issue within older vehicles, where the km/h may be lower or higher than the actual speed of your car. Sometimes, your speedometer may even erratically behave while you are driving. Whenever you catch these signs, it is important you get your car to an auto repair shop shortly. Diagnosing the Speedometer If one of your concerns is speed accuracy, our technicians will happily test it for you. You can even do this on your own with a mile marker on the highway and a stopwatch. Furthermore, we will thoroug ... read more